Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Game: Bubbles

I used to play this game often at the arcades.

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Monday, May 29, 2006

Review: X-Men 3

I buckled under pressure and went to see X-Men 3. What can I say... It's an action film. That's it that's all. I always liked X-Men movies because of the story, the struggle against human and mutants, the political debates. In this movie, the story takes a back seat and is told to be quite. In X-Men 3, it's mostly about the action and special effects. I'm not saying that I did not have a good time, to the contrary, it was quite entertaining. It's just that it left the story behind.

All in all, it's a good movie. I enjoyed myself.

Ranking: A-

Cool: Mona Lisa Made From Computer Parts

Science: Underwater Volcano Erupts on Video

Really cool videos (2) of an underwater volcano.

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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Cool: Very Cool Salt Effect

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Movie: Ghost Rider Trailer

It could be good. I'm hoping.

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Tech: Holographic Dislay

This is really cool. A unit which project images in "free space". It also have cursor control enabling "virtual touchscreen" control.

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M2i Product

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Picture: International Space Station

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Bigger Picture (3032x2064)

Monday, May 15, 2006

Movie: Oh My God, A Scene From Star Wars IV!

This is a deleted scene which I've never seen before. Very cool!

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Deleted Scene

My Take On E3

I've been reading bits and pieces from E3 news site and this is what I think of it all:

  • Nintendo Wii stole the show. All you could see on websites and news was all about the Wii. From now on called the Wii effect

  • PS3 way too expensive

  • Microsoft's Live Everywhere (or whatever is called) has a lot of potential. I'll be waiting to see how it turns out

  • I want a Wii!

  • I've stayed clear of game preview for now, except for The Burning Crusade, World of Warcraft's expansion. Ya baby, this is going to be good I think.

  • Sony realized that Wii had an amazing controller, so they decided to steal it's functionalities. Wii effect!

  • Microsoft also realized the potential but took another road, using a camera system to map 3d coordinates.

Movie: Tony Jaa In Rush Hour 3??

Tony Jaa is the actor that played in Ong Bak: Thai Warrior and this news could make my day if it happens.

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Source - The Movie Blog

Cool: Japanese Storm Water System

Very cool pictures of Japanese storm water system.

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Monday, May 08, 2006

Video: ComputerMan

Damn this show was weird and funny at the same time. Jack Black plays a computer/human created by a programmer when he cuts himself and blood falls on the keyboard. Ya I know, but just go watch it.

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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Game: Exile

Nice game like Gauntlet but with a more robust playing mechanisme.

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Game: Innards

A fun little web game

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Gadget: Logitech Webcam

Cool webcam that can add images on top of the video stream.

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QuickCam Orbit MP

Monday, May 01, 2006

Weird: Panty Thief

God, sometimes I read stuff from Japan that makes you wonder: "Why is this only happening in Japan?". The latest is the story Hideki Aoki, a 50-year-old man who steals panties from womens apartment. He stole 1,700 panties!
“I was responsible for around 250 incidents from 1990,” he was quoted as telling police. “I haven’t been able to talk to girls since I was a student, so I became interested in underwear.”

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Tokyo Times