Monday, July 31, 2006


A service to create/upload images and ringtones to your phone for free (well except for the connection to the web to download your content).

The creation is quite easy, I've done an image and got it to my phone in less than 2 min.

Now it's time to find more content to send to my phone!

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Sunday, July 30, 2006

The end of E3?

Well, rumors floating around the Internet says that there might not be an E3 next year, or not an E3 we know and love.

It seems that some publishers are having second thoughts on going because of the cost.

One industry insider told MCV: "Costs have been getting out of hand. We're talking double digit millions for some of us. But that's not just floorspace, of course -- it's build, parties, hotels, flights. Security, particularly, has become a massive cost."

Did the ESA Just Kill E3? news from

Now this could be a big hit to the gaming industry. This is "the event" of the year for gaming, where news, sneak peeks, announcements are done. But this years, a lot of announcements have been done outside of E3. Would the gaming industry already be preparing for the demise of E3?

One question remains... What about the booth babes?!

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Microsoft Photosynth

You might be wondering what the hell is Photosynth. I had the same questions as you. Well it turns out that at Microsoft Live Labs, they've created a virtual world using photos. They intend on using photos from the web to create a sort of world using the photo. They are able to reconstruct buildings and landscape using multiple images.

With this technology, one could take photos from there trip and find other photo from that are similar or taken at the same place from other users. You could have taken a far way shot of a statue and you could zoom in on the statue if others took close up photos.

It's really an interesting project and the videos on the website is quite impressive. Worth a look.

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Wow, the Ariel Atom car

Check out this awesome car.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Ever wanted to see what it looks like to cheat in Counter Strike?

Here is a video of a player who is cheating in Counter Strike. Very interesting.

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Great website which compares ship sizes (everything from real life to sci-fi)

Really cool website called Starship Dimensions which shows the size of different starships from different TV shows.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Great article on the Nintendo Wii System

A hands-on article of the Wii system. I'm really excited about it, I think it will be the top unit for this Gen (Next-Gen) systems. Since it's going to be so cheap, I think everybody will have one!

There's only one single thing you need to know about the Wii: That it's sheer, unadulterated, peerless and incalculable FUN - for kids of all ages… and we mean that right up to those grown-up kids with mortgages and half-pints of their own.

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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Monopoly replaces paper money with plastic credit card

The latest version of the popular game will forgo the use of paper money for a "credit card".

Spokesman Chris Weatherhead said: "The new electronic Monopolyreflects the changing nature of society and the advancement oftechnology."

I think it's a great idea and will make life a lot easier for the players since you could always lose your money. But now, it's the end of hidding an extra 500 under the board.

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Nintendo DS Browser real world video

A nice video of a guy who bought the browser from Japan for his DS Lite.

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Babylon 5 direct to DVD adventures

This has to be the best news in so long! Babylon 5 will be coming back with more adventures but direct to DVD.

Source: Aint it Cool

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Monday, July 24, 2006

Next Gen Star Wars Engine

This is way cool!

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Friday, July 21, 2006

Console War video

Check out the video of Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft dish it out to see who wins.

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DS Browser video

This is quite interesting. It looks like they added some nice features into the browser.

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200mph Radio Controlled Jet Plane

Now that's some serious power to control! Check out the video.

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Great Mad TV sketch of Sesame Street

Funny video.

20 Questions game

Let's see if the AI can guess what you are thinking.

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Chilling phone call from somebody in the two towers...

This video can be quite disturbing to some people, you've been warned

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Trailer

There is a new movie coming out soon and and a trailer is out on the apple website.

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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Preview of Season 3 of Battlestar Galactica!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Battlestar Galactica Season 3 will start with a 2 hours special

I love hearing news like this. SyFy Portal has the scoop and it looks like it will be an explosive beguinning!

"I just thought I'd let you all know that the beginning of Season 3 truly kicks ass," series music composer Bear McCreary said in his blog over the weekend. "I've started writing music for it and I think it's safe to say you'll be blown away. I won't spoil anything (you have each other for that!) but I will say that the season premiere will air as a two-hour movie ... more intense than most films you pay to see in the darkened theater."

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Saturday, July 15, 2006

Fantasia: Some Reviews

I know, I know, I've been lazy. But here are my reviews of the movies I've currently seen at the Fantasia Festival.

First up is A Bittersweet Life, a mobster movie from Korea. First of all, I personaly think that Korea is becoming quite a force in the cinema department. Comedy wise, they have no competition. There stories are original and smartly written. This being my first "crime" movie from Korea, it has not disapointed me. This movie has some of the best fighting scenes with a great un-American ending!

Plot: A mobster boss right-hand man is asked to look after his master's mistress, as he suspects that she is cheating on him with another mook.The plot thickens when the boss turns on his right-hand man, ordering his death via the rest of his henchmen. That doesn't go over too well, and the next thing you know, a certain right-hand man wants revenge upon his boss, his henchmen and anybody else who gets in the way! A cool-ass flick ensues.

The actors are really great, the script is well written, the fights are just so great. It is quite a serious movie but it's got it's funny moments, which is great, not too much, not too little. This is a violent movie, blood is spilled and a lot. I was not expecting it to be this violent.

A must see!

Next on the agenda would be My Scary Girl. A Korean comedy about a virgin teacher meeting a women who pretends to be somebody she is not.

Plot: A timid college lecturer, Dae-woo, who is smart but has never been in love, meets a mysterious but charming woman, Mi-na. With no skills to win a date, he asks her out awkwardly. To his surprise, she accepts. And as a first time lover, he behaves very unnaturally. However, as they fall in love, Dae-woo discovers some disquieting things about Mi-na. Although she claims to be an intellectual and an artist, she has never heard of Crime and Punishment, nor has she heard of Mondrian although one of his paintings hangs in her living room. But Mi-na has even more terrible secrets.

This I went to see because a couple of years ago I saw My Sassy Girl, a Korean comedy that got me interested in the Korean cinema. I have to admit that, when I choose a movie to see at the festival, I mostly choose by title and images alone. I rarely read the plot of the movie, so most of the movies I don't really know what to expect. This movie, I've expected to try to copy My Sassy Girl (almost same title) but they don't have much in common. I laught almost the whole movie. This poor teacher has no clue in what his getting into. The cast of characters are all very interesting and unique. The acting was just amazing, Park Young-woo (the teacher) was just incredible.

Great date movie!� (That's weird... why would a house without kimchi have a kimchi refrigerator?)

Next is A Chinese Tall Story. Again, not knowing what I was getting into, this movie surprised me in more than one way.

Plot: Young Tang monk Tripitaka and his three disciples - Monkey King, Piggy and Sand Monk - are ambushed and captured by the demon tree. Tripitaka escapes with Monkey's golden pole and begins a journey to free them. This pole can turn into any fighting device as long as you say "I'll love you for 10, 000 years." Along the way he meets an unlikely love interest and fighting companion in Meiyan, an ugly girl who falls in with him but is told she has to consume him to achieve immortality. But the mysterious Princess Xiaoshan and her army who used to live on Earth receive the monk's undivided attention. Who are his friends, and who really wants to consume him for his flesh, which contains the key to eternal life? How will he survive aliens, huge armies and mad Celestial gods?

First surprise: this movies uses CG (and bad ones at that) like there is no tomorrow. It's used in most fight scenes and aren't that great. Second surprise: It's actually good. The story is ok but the characters are interesting and the love story is "cute". Only in this movie can you see a fantasy world mixed with sci-fi. There's a cigarette smoking alien, guns, demons, monks, Spider-Man, a magical bow that transform into pretty much everything you could think of, even those robots in The Matrix.

It's good but not the greatest.

My last review for the night is Funky Forest: The First Contact. What can I say about this movie... WEIRDEST MOVIE I'VE SEEN! Really, it's beyond explanation.

Plot: If you look at them just right, the most mundane elements of daily life can seem utterly bizarre. Conversely, the strangest, most inexplicable things can seem perfectly ordinary. That's the lunatic logic behind Funky Forest, a sprawling omnibus of the obvious and the oddball, the casual and the completely insane. If you're reading this in hopes of being handed a sensible synopsis of a straightforward story, you're out of luck - Funky Forest's daringly disjointed narrative is a mish-mash of blackouts, non-sequiturs, flashbacks, lucid dreams, magical moments and so much more. Awkward stumbles on the path to romance, and others of life's little disappointments, are woven together with all sorts of extraterrestrial freaks and incomprehensible biological curiosities, music-video mayhem and mind-bending theatrics, and psychedelic surrealism of the finest grade, delivered with a deadpan shrug.

Ya that sums it up pretty good. This movie is a gem in it's own right. There is actually a Side A and Side B to this movie, with a 3 minutes intermission, really... Side A is more normal, you see 10-20 minutes sketches of the different characters. They all seem unrelated, but on Side B, you start to see them interact between themselves and, aliens. This side really becomes weird. All in all, I really enjoyed this movie, it's quite a ride.

This movie is not for everyone, but if you like weirdness then this is your movie!

Please note that the plots are not mine, I have found them on different websites. I'm way too lazy to write those up.

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Friday, July 14, 2006

Incredible synchronized driving!

Very impressive. I wonder if some of the stunts are real.


New Robot from Japan runs on Linux

A new robot from Japan runs on Linux!

Japan's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (ASIT) has just unleashed the latest in a long line of bipedal robots to come out of the R&D labs of this country. The HRP-2m Choromet is a 35cm tall, 1.5kg Gundam lookalike that is driven by Linux and for once, we're actually told the flavor in use: ARTLinux in this case.

Digital World Tokyo

They say that the robot is inexpensive... Let's wait and see.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Great Animation Clip

Check out this clip of a playing machine. Great animation!

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Being Lazy

Well I know I'm bad for not posting stuff sooner on my blog but I've been on vacation and I just didn't feel like updating much.

I've started seeing movies at the Fantasia Festival and all of them are all great movies. Some were surprises, I did not expect some to be so good.

I'll be starting to put reviews up soon, when I can find the time.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Zelda Walk of Shame