Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Movie: Iron Man Cancelled?

Rumours on the internet say that the Iron Man movie has been canned. It was pushed back to 2007 and now it looks like they have killed the project.

It's a shame as it could have been good, but I have to admit that I never really liked Iron Man comics.

[ Links ]
Source -The Movie Blog

Movie: Magdalena Optioned

I was quite surprised and happy to see this news this morning. I love Magdalena comic books. I have this fascination with religious stories, especially ones with nuns that kick ass! :)

I do hope it does work because Magdalena has great potential for movies, you have a strong female roll, great stories about the Church little secrets, lot's of action. What else would you want?

[ Links ]
Source - ICv2

Cool: Make Your Own Flame Thrower

Title says it all.

[ Links ]
Make your own flame thrower

Monday, October 24, 2005

TV: Sin City TV Show?

That's what the rumours are saying... Could be interesting, if they could keep the feel of the movie. But somehow I doubt it, I mean, the movie was quite violent and that is Sin City. If they can pull it off, I'll be very happy.

[ Links ]
Source - The Movie Blog

Cool: Star Wars In Animated GIF

In like 30 secs!

[ Links ]
Star Wars animated GIF

Funny: All Your Base Belong To Us Rhapsody Video

Wow these guys really have too much time on their hands! Actually the video is not bad, the song is funny. Worth checking out.

[ Links ]
All your bases rhapsody style

Friday, October 21, 2005

Comic: Asterix Against Bush

It looks like the latest book of Asterix: Asterix and the Falling Sky is a book about evil invaders from space called Tadsylwine (an anagram of Walt Disney) and the leaders name is Hubs (an anagram of Bush). Looks interesting. :)

[ Links ]
Source - ICv2

Movie: Doom Preview

So the Doom movie previews are hitting the web and it ain't pretty. As expected, total flop. I'm surprised as I would think it hard to make a good movie out of the Doom franchise. I do remember somewhere reading that the movie was one of the best adaptation of a game. Now I don't remember exactly where but after reading the review by Ars Technica, I wonder.

[ Links ]
Preview - Ars Technica

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Cool: GigaPxl Project

Amazing, simply amazing! This guy built a 1000 Megapixel camera and is now going around America taking super Hi-Def images.

From this picture, you can actually see the people on the ridge.

Really incredible to see!

Check out his website!

[ Links ]
The Gigapxl Project

Comic: 1902 Wins Quills Graphic Novel Award

Neil Gaiman, Andy Kubert and Richard Isanove have one the first annual Quill Award for Best Graphic Novel for their 1902 project. If you have not read this, I strongly recommend that you do.

Since this award is so new, only 25,000 and some people voted for the awards.

[ Links ]
Source - ICv2

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Gadget: NW-A1200/B

God I want one of these. Especially since my Zen Micro is giving me troubles with the headphone jack. They are the nicest MP3 players I've seen on the market. Anyways, why I'm mentionning this super cool product, is that they bump the capacity from 6Gb to 8Gb! My Micro has 5Gb and I would not say no to 8Gb.

Still not announce in North America, they have been announced in the U.K. The price (UK) should be around ~$263US. Please note that the picture above and price is of the NW-A1000 model (6Gb) and not the 8Gb version.

[ Links ]
Source - I4U
Amazon UK
Sony UK

Cool: Larger Monitors Make You More Productive!

I've been waiting to hear this for so long now. I now have an excuse to bug my boss for a bigger monitor! I love these kind of studies. You have so much more weight when discussing having a bigger monitor with your boss.

I would try to get one of these if I could!

[ Links ]
Source - Jeremy Zawodny
Big Monitor (Grand Canyon)

TV: Battlestar Galactica Season 2

It's coming, and sooner than I imagined. We will be able to get our hands on it on Dec. 20th! I have yet to buy the first season, but I'm just lazy, but now that season two will be out soon, then maybe I'll go out and buy both at the same time.

Anyways, if you are a fan of Sci-Fi and have yet to see this show, I tell you now, it's the best Sci-Fi show in a long time!

[ Links ]
Source - MoviesOnline

Sunday, October 16, 2005

TV: Supernatural

I finally started watching this program and it's interesting. It's not the X-File but it's the closest we have.

It's worth a check.

[ Links ]
Supernatural - From Yahoo

Cool: See Thru Lenses

This is very cool, lenses for cameras that lets you see thru things. Let the pervert in you loose!

Ink on a page, notice how you cannot see the words under it.

Notice how you can see them now!

[ Links ]
Source - Kaya-Optics

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Funny: Man Takes Advantage Of Himself

This is too funny:

[ Links ]
Source - Lost Nomad

Friday, October 14, 2005

Movie: Man Buys 320 Tickets For Serenity And Gives Them Away

Why? It looks like he wanted the box office numbers to be high enough that they would make another movie.

[ Links ]
Source - Life & Home

Cool: Image Of Earth In Winter

Very nice image. Click on it to see a bigger version.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Cool: Images of WWI In Color

Just amazing!

[ Links ]
Images of WWI

Cool: Tiny Sci-Fi Models

This is really cool. This guy makes tiny Sci-Fi models. His got some Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, The Last Starfighter, etc.

[ Links ]
Tiny Models

Movie: Austin Powers 4?

Yeah Baby! Mike Myers would like to make another Austin Powers movie.

"There is hope!" says Myers about the popular comedy franchise. "We're all circling and talking to each other. I miss doing the characters." The first three films have earned a massive $675 million worldwide, so New Line Cinema is probably looking forward to another installment as well - and what better time than with a new James Bond movie on the way?

[ Links ]
Source - The Movie Blog

Movies: Quake Movie?

Hot on the heels of the Doom movie, Quake 2 or 4 movie.

In an interview with SCI FI Wire, id Software CEO Todd Hollenshead revealed that he and his company were discussing a film version of the popular video game "Quake" even before the whole Doom debacle...Hollenshead says that he is still interested in pursuing a feature film version of "Quake," regardless of whether "Doom" is successful.

I don't know what to think anymore... But I won't decide on this until I see the Doom movie.

[ Links ]
Source - The Movie Blog

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Comic: DC Collects Moore Stories

This is cool, DC announced that they will collect all of the Alan Moore DC Universe stories into a single volume, DC Universe: The Stories of Alan Moore. This book will come out in January and will contain 304 pages.

[ Links ]
Source - ICv2

WTF!?: Japanese Schoolgirls Selling Their Saliva

The porn industry in Japan will sell pretty much anything, including girl saliva! It seems that you are brought to a one-way window where you can see girls watching TV. You choose one and you are then moved to a small room where the chosen girl enters with a 5cm tall bottle. She then proceeds to spit in that bottle. Once done (it takes about 10 min.), she gives you the bottle and leaves.

[ Links ]
Source - Japundit

Funny: How It Should Have Ended

This is a great website with little clips of how movies should have ended. The Star Wars one is really good.

[ Links ]
Source - The Movie Blog
How It Should Have Ended
Star Wars clip

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Gaming: Timeline Of Video Games

There is a nice timeline on video games at

[ Links ]
Video Game Timeline - WorldHistory

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Funny: Steven Seagal's Lightning Blot Energy Drink

I just love this, Steven Seagal came out with his own line of energy drink. This is just not right...

Here is the selling pitch:
Are you stuck drifting through life in a state of existential confusion wandering aimlessly through the multitudes of energy products not knowing which one is the right one for you? Then look no further for the true meaning of life then Master Sensei Seagal’s Lightning Bolt Energy Drink!

Lightning Bolt, the one and only energy drink crafted by martial arts expert and herbal specialist Steven Seagal, is the only all natural 100% juice energy drink on the market. This long lasting energy elixir is made with key ingredients from all over the globe. With a healthy dosing of Tibetan Goji Berry, Asian Cordyceps, B-Vitamins, Green Tea, Yerba Mate, Ginseng, Ginkgo Biloba, Guarana, and Policosanols, Lightning Bolt will give you the strength you need to punch your adversary’s faces through plate glass windows day in and day out!

Oh and it gets better, Steven Seagal’s Lightning Bolt is available in 2 great juicy flavors! Cherry Charge brings you the great taste of freshly squeezed cherry juice, while for those of you that desire a slightly less sweet drink can partake of the true Asian Experience. Either way, you still get a powerful bolt of energy delivered into your body that Steven Seagal precisely blended for lasting maximum performance. So get ready to take on the world with new meaning with Steven Segal’s own Lightning Bolt Energy Drink!

[ Links ]
Source - Japundit

Manga: Manga In Space

OK so you know when Manga becomes popular when scientist at NASA starts using Manga to explain a NASA satellite mission. The art is mediocre but they get an A for the effort.

[ Links ]
Source - Slashdot
The Manga

Movie: Serenity Cast Signed For 2 More Movies

Right after the movie came out in theaters, we hear that the cast has sign for another two movies based on the show called Firefly. I think it's great news as for one believe Serenity was one of the best Sci-Fi movie in a long time!

[ Links ]
Source - Sci Fi Wire

Gaming: Mass Effect

A new game by BioWare, makers of great games like: Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Knights of the Old Republic. "Mass Effect" will deliver an immersive story driven gameplay experience with stunning visual fidelity.

This action RPG is an XBox 360 exclusive.

[ Links ]
Source - SoftPedia
Mass Effect - BioWare (Includes Trailer)

Friday, October 07, 2005

Movie: Star Wreck - In The Pirkinning

A Finnish fan feature length movie of a parody of Star Trek and Babylon 5. I've seen the preview and it really looks good. I'll be downloading the free movie.

Even Babylon 5 is in this movie!

[ Links ]
Source - Twitch
Download Page

Cool: Build Monitor Using Lava Lamps

Hahaha I just love this concept. To know if your application build correctly, this guy hooked up some lava lamps to X10 home automation devices and using some code, will light up the green lava lamp if all is OK, or the red if there were errors.

I'll have to mention it to our build master at work!

[ Links ]
Source - Engadget

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Gaming: WoW Hidden Areas

Some people have managed to find hidden areas in World Of Warcraft. These hidden areas are now inaccessible but were before the programmers have patched the bugs. Are these areas previews of the famous expansion? Who knows.

More images at 1UP.

[ Links ]
Source - 1UP

Science: Smallest Robot In The World

This robot is only 250 µm long! It is remote controlled and is a 1000 times lighter than other controllable robots.

[ Links ]
Source - LeLezard (french)

Movie: New Fantasy Film Festival Hits Toronto!

This is really cool, a new Fantasy Film Festival will be starting in Toronto in early November. I took a look at the film list and some will be interesting. One in particular, called G.O.R.A. is quite the sci-fi flick. If anybody going to go to this festival, I recommend checking this movie. I had seen it at the Fantasia Festival here in Montreal and I really enjoyed it.

[ Links ]
Source - Twitch
Film List

Science: Mystery Ocean Glow Confirmed in Satellite Photos

Mariners have long told of rare nighttime events in which the ocean glows intensely as far as the eye can see in all directions.

Weird, it's amazing to see that there are still things that we do not understand, right here on earth.

[ Links ]
Article - LiveScience

Science: Testing Natasha

Discovery Channel made some test to see if Natasha can really see inside people bodies and diagnose them. It's an interesting article.

[ Links ]
Article - CSICop

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Tv: FireFly

Well I started watching the series and I can't believe that I never watched it when it was on TV. I think it's because it was a mix of cowboy and space and I felt it was two things that did not go well together. Why would a civilization that can build space ships, would revert to a time of the Wild West. It's explained (kinda) in the show and it is plausible.

Any ways, I just wanted to say that it's a great show and you should all go and rent it. It's a shame that it never took off as it had a lot of potential. It was fresh, compared to most TV shows on the air right now.

Movie: My Sassy Girl

OK, I've blogged about this wonderful movie before, but I just saw that there will be an American remake of this movie. It also looks like that Jessica Alba might be playing in this movie. Now, I'm all for remakes, sometimes they work (The Ring), but most fumble (Godzilla) but I'm really afraid that they will mess up this movie. My Sassy Girl, in my opinion, is the best comedy I've ever seen. It's a classic and classics should never be meddled with.

[ Links ]
Source - The Movie Blog

Anime: Blood+ Tv Series

Blood the last vampire was an interesting movie and now it looks like there will be a television series based on this movie called Blood+.

[ Links ]
Source - Twitch

Weird: Used Panties

I don’t understand why Asian men are so obsess with procuring used panties. Really, it’s just really weird. In the past (when it was legal), girls would buy panties at 1$, wear them for a day or two and sell them at 20$. For girls still in school, this can be a lot of money. It has now been illegal for under age girls to sell their panties but it still does not stop men from trying to buy them.

“A 24 year old man was arrested for pestering several schoolgirls to sell him their panties.” Like really, these poor girls, what kind of message are these men sending to these schoolgirls. It’s just sad to hear these kind of news item.

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Source – Tokyo Times

Movie: Peter Jackson to Produce 'Halo' Movie

Now if this is true, this could be the best news I’ve heard since they announced this doomed project. Microsoft seems to be pushing hard to get the talent needed for this movie to succeed and I have to admit, I’m secretly wishing for this movie to great.

[ Links ]
Source – BetaNews

Cool: Rocket Races

Now that the X-Prize was such a success and managed to re-energise people imagination, it’s time to create new kind of racing, using rocket powered ships!

Peter Diamandis, the guy who made the X-Prize, has decided to make a rocket racing league that will enable spectators to watch races between rocket planes, saying the cosmic derbies will help open up the space frontier.

The rocket races will use rocket planes known as X-Racers participating in vertical races with high-speed turns.

Could be interesting… All of this will happen sometime in 2007.

[ Links ]
Source – Engadget

Cool: Super Mario Paper Models

Cool Super Mario paper models

[ Links ]
Paper Mario Models

Funny: Geek "Your Mom" Jokes

Check out these funny geek "your mom" jokes!

[ Links ]

Monday, October 03, 2005

Funny: How To Tell When A Relationship Is Over - In 90 Seconds

Some of it I have experienced, some not.

[ Links ]
Video – SpikedHumor

Science: Hyperion Image

A great image of Hyperion, Saturn’s moon.

It looks like a shell from the ocean.

[ Links ]
Source – Astronomy Picture of the Day

Concert Stampede In South Korea

This is just not right, 11 were killed and dozens injured as everybody was waiting to get in a concert by the way of only one entrance! As you can imagine, the people in front got squished by the people in the back.

A 7 year old boy lost his life because people cannot wait in line correctly. The event has been cancelled so the deaths were for nothing…

[ Links ]
Article – BBC News

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Funny: Spider-Man Comic Page

A funny comic book page of Spider-Man.

[ Links ]
Comic Page

Movie: Serenity

For the people who don't know, Serenity is a movie based on the TV show called Firefly. I have not seen this show as of yet but trust me, I will be looking into it as soon as possible. I had no clue as to what expect coming to this movie. I know that it's a cowboy style movie set into the future. I have to say I'm surprised that I have never seen this show as the movie was excellent. Don't worry if you are like me and you have also not seen the show, they do explain enough for you to understand the world this movie is set in.

This movie reminded me of the original trilogy of Star Wars, the world is new and fresh, the characters are interesting and entertaining and it's full of action. And somehow, you actually start to like the character and attach yourself to them, something George Lucas has not been able to reproduce in his latest trilogy.

If you like Sci-Fi and action, you will like this movie!

Verdict: A+

Saturday, October 01, 2005

TV: Invasion

Wow, I have to say that this show surprised me. I was expecting something more cheesy but it’s not that at all. They took what was good in Lost (mystery and all) and added aliens! If you haven’t seen this show, it’s worth watching at least one episode.

I hope they don’t show the aliens too soon (if they are aliens), I like it just the way it is right now.