Monday, May 15, 2006

My Take On E3

I've been reading bits and pieces from E3 news site and this is what I think of it all:

  • Nintendo Wii stole the show. All you could see on websites and news was all about the Wii. From now on called the Wii effect

  • PS3 way too expensive

  • Microsoft's Live Everywhere (or whatever is called) has a lot of potential. I'll be waiting to see how it turns out

  • I want a Wii!

  • I've stayed clear of game preview for now, except for The Burning Crusade, World of Warcraft's expansion. Ya baby, this is going to be good I think.

  • Sony realized that Wii had an amazing controller, so they decided to steal it's functionalities. Wii effect!

  • Microsoft also realized the potential but took another road, using a camera system to map 3d coordinates.