Saturday, July 09, 2005

Fantasia: Ashura Review

You know, for this movie, I based my decision to see just on this image. I had no clue on what this movie was about. I saw the trailer just a couple of hours before seeing it. I have to say, it was not what I expected. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad movie, I actually really enjoyed it. It's just that there where a lot more of comedy than I expected.

Type Of Movie: Romantic Comedy. Surprisingly, there was a lot more comedy than I was expecting. But trust me, it's quite funny, great one liners. Everybody in the theater kept bursting into laughter!

Story: This movie is about Demons trying to bring forth their demon savior, Ashura, on the human plane. Of course, since Demons can cross over to the human plane, human warriors called Demon Wardens are the humans only protector. I don't want to say too much about the story.

Actors: The actors were quite good, especially the main character. I found him quite good when he did his shows at the theater. The rest was ok but not spectacular.

Effects: Well the effects weren't very Hollywood quality but still pretty good.

Verdict: A
I really enjoyed this movie and most of my friends did too, only one in 5 didn't really like it.