Friday, July 08, 2005

Fantasia: First Day

I almost didn't make it! When I left from my place, I hit a lot of traffic. I wanted to be in line at around 5-5:30pm. I got there at 6pm, no problem I thought to myself, I was going with some friends so they'll be in line. Nope, we all got there at the same time and I still didn't have my tickets! By the time I got them, everybody was inside the theater. We managed to find some seats but couldn't sit together.

One thing to note, getting the tickets the day of the movie is hell! The line does not move fast because you have people buying so many tickets that it takes a while. One guy, I think he bought like 100 tickets.

The Hall Theater has not really changed since last year, it's still the crappy seats! But they did tell us that Concordia have new seats, they just didn't install them yet. But the rest, video and sound quality, is very good.

I was quite in a hurry yesterday so I didn't take a lot of pictures. I'll get more tonight.