Saturday, June 25, 2005

Fantasia: The List Is Out!

Ye, the movie list is finally out. I've looked thru it and I have to say, I'm a bit disappointed. There are still some good movies lined up but it looks more geared towards horror like movies. Also, it still at the Concordia cinema hall and I really hate it's seats. You constantly feel like your sliding off the chair. I miss the good old times when it was at the Cinéma Impérial.

Anyways, I'm sure it's going to be a great festival. And as promised, I'll be posting reviews and photos of the event.

Now, down to business, here is the list of movies I will probably go see. I will have the official list when I get my tickets.

European & North / South American Cinema
Hong Kong
Square Jaw Theatre
Japanese Short Films
Yike's, what a list. Well, it's actually pretty standard, every year, I have a huge list. So I'll update when I have the tickets and the date that I'll be going to.